The Ghostcat.
Welcome to the Ghostcats!
Strange name? True. But it gets stuck. And it even makes sense.
Because ghostcats aka snow leopards are about as hard to find as really good films. And we want to stand for these good films. We also like the way snow leopards generally travel: on quiet feet, without much fanfare, clattering or roaring. We also like to concentrate on the essentials. We realize our projects from the very first idea to the entire post-production marathon with a lot of professionalism, journalistic care, love, passion, creativity, reliability and a good dose of joy in our own work.
And since the snow leopard only stalks prey that it finds really tasty, we also like to implement topics that move and interest us. We travel around the world, make Las Vegas' most famous tourist attraction shine again, melt gold bars in a high-security area in Switzerland, experience floods in Kiribati, travel to Svalbard in search of polar bears and witness a volcanic eruption in Iceland. We document how animals help people heal and how old crimes are solved using new technologies. We show how old home remedies become modern medicine, how long-term unemployed people find their way back into work and what life is like in the megacities of Tokyo, Seoul, Moscow and London.
You could also say: We love the big pictures. And we are enthusiastic about people and real stories written by life itself. That's exactly why we are the ghostcats. And that brings us back to the beginning. Welcome. What can we do for you?
What we do.
Visit us
Mon - Fri: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m
Sat.: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m
Sun.: Closed